Naturopathy & Apothecary

Florelle uses herbal medicine and nutritional medicine has an in house dispensary designed to treat a range of health concerns. With evidence based practice and traditional knowledge

Florelle uses herbal medicine and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle practices to help treat a range of health concerns, including; women's reproductive health, PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, amenorrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding. Metabolic conditions such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure thyroid conditions and autoimmune conditions, such as Hashimottos and Graves disease. Gastrointestinal conditions including IBS, dysbiosis, bacterial overgrowth, parasites. Nervous system conditions including, stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome. Immune system function,
from reoccurring infections and cold severity, long covid and immune support. 

How a Naturopath can support you

To find out how you can optimise your gut function and hormone health. Learn simple strategies to help you implement small changes to set your health on the right path.

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