Lauren is a Naturopathic clinician who holds a Bachelor degree of Health Science in Clinical Naturopathy and Nutrition and is registered with the Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA).
" My love of natural medicine and health came at a young age. I always seek the answers wanting to know why, a truth seeker. Understanding the why was always a driver for me to get to the root cause, in order to bring the body back into balance and addressing the cause of where it first began. I sought Naturopathic care prior to consciously conceiving both my two babies. With a focus on preconception health for myself and my partner, through to gestation gave me more confidence knowing I was giving my babies the best start to life. Supporting my body and the health of my children with nutrition and nutritional medicine supported my body to carry the babies to full term and at healthy birth weights. By ensuring I had optimal levels of essential nutrients to support the growth and development in utero to neonatal was imperative.
After my first child was born my hormones fluctuated so much during and after delivery, that I was diagnosed with transient hyperthyroidism. During the first year, after my second child was born I was routinely monitoring my thyroid. The doctors kept telling me that my thyroid health was in healthy range however I was not feeling well, they couldn’t explain my symptoms.
I wanted to know more. I decided to seek support and advice from a Naturopath.
After the first Naturopathic consult my Thyroid antibodies were checked (which had never been checked prior). The presence of thyroid antibodies were discovered after I pushed for blood work to be tested. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, an Autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. This explained my long list of symptoms were not purely in my head. I later had my mother investigate her thyroid antibodies, as Hashimoto’s is a genetic condition, leading to other women in my family also suffering from the condition without a diagnosis.
Hashimoto's is a lifelong chronic illness yet can be managed with the right clinical management. I occasionally suffer from flare ups from time to time during stressful periods, and my condition can be exacerbated if I overdo it and don’t allow my body time to rest.
Natural medicine has kept me off pharmaceutical lifelong medication and keeps my thyroid health within a healthy range. Supporting GUT health is also an integral part of the driver behind hashimoto's, that can ramp up the immune response, causing attack on the thyroid. With the latest research and therapeutic protocols to manage my own condition I no longer have the presence of thyroid nodules which is a terrific outcome and my thyroid is now in remission.
I now look forward to working with you to help you find your root cause to your symptoms and help you to live your best life".
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